Tomorrow's Sunshine

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What a year!

What a year 2020 was, right?! And obviously I seriously slacked at doing this whole blog thing. Life turned us all upside down to figure out a new ‘normal’. Essential workers are still out there kickin’ ass to be there for the rest of us while putting their own lives and families at risk. Many small businesses have succumbed to the lack of income and have had to shut down. People have been working from home and/or doing distance learning from home. Many have re-learned skills they may have either forgotten or just haven’t had time for during a crazy busy work week out of the home: cooking, baking, crafting, building, home maintenance or just plain reconnecting with yourself and your family. But while we’re here, let’s take a moment to remember all those lost this last year…

Moving forward, let’s all try to do our part to mello this virus out so we can reopen businesses, get the kids back to school and start to get people out of their depressions. Now that we’ve all been at this for a while now, what have you done or are planning to do to help someone else out? We have people in hospitals and nursing homes that can’t have visitors. How about having the kids make cards and mail them to a local facility for the residents? Maybe send an actual letter or card in the mail to a friend or family member so they get something other than a bill or junk mail? Be creative to make someone smile and let’s fight this together and hopefully have a better year ahead of us.