The year is half way over!
My goodness! Where has the time gone so far this year? I think so much of it has been consumed by COVID concerns around the world in general. We have ships full of supplies and goods waiting for months in the ocean to be able to dock and unload all around the world. Governments are trying to figure out what’s best for the world, each country, each state, each community, hospitals, emergency personnel and so on. The people that have been displaced due to losing their jobs and homes, the families that have lost loved ones. And now here we are in fire season with a pandemic that has slowed but not gone away and is rearing back up with a new strain around the world again. Some of us have received our vaccinations, some have not.
I’m learning a LOT about marketing myself and my businesses and have been very lucky - blessed - with having some amazing people in my life that encourage me, teach me and lift me up when I’m feeling frustrated and lost. I’ve met new people recently that are absolutely amazing. Some are inexperienced and others have way more experience than I could even imagine having, wondering why they chose ME to assist and help me on my journey. We all have self-doubt at some time in our lives, I’ve never deemed myself worthy of being associated with people that know ‘people’. It’s always been kind of a joke, “I’ll have my people call your people”. Yet here I am, raised by a single parent, lived in shelters with kids, fled domestic violence and landing with pride, a much better self esteem and even though I still feel small in so many ways, I see myself growing - sprouting a new chapter of ‘me’. I’m in a position of helping others that are like looking in a mirror of myself at some point, and yet each person helps me learn more about myself. Who I was, who I am and who I aspire to be as I go through the metamorphosis of life. There are definitely some growing pains along the way but each experience helps us understand and form a new experience in life. Learning to trust in what life has in store for me surely isn’t easy, but I’m learning to enjoy the ride instead of forcing immediate destinations.